philosophy & programme

At Hatch we have woven together our strongest beliefs and values to create a philosophy that best represents and underpins all that we do.
Our approach to learning is underpinned by the principals and strands of Te Whaariki (New Zealand Early Childhood Education curriculum), with influences from Reggio Emilia and Magda RIE. We foster a strong sense of manaaki (ethic of care) and our environment and culture is one where families, teachers and children are welcomed and respected, valued, nurtured, safe and inspired to grow.
Our aim is to encourage a life-long love of learning and we facilitate this through open-ended play and support. As children discover the magic in learning at an early age, they’re then set up to seek out and enjoy opportunities to learn as they head towards school and beyond.
Our aim is to work collaboratively with you and your child to recognise their individual learning goals and aspirations. Our teachers/kaiako then provide support and opportunities during their time at Hatch for your child to reach these goals.
We believe play is key to a child’s development. Play is a child’s unique way of learning about the world. We provide chances for both spontaneous play and more structured activities for the children who enjoy those challenges.
Learning environments at Hatch are calm and unhurried. We aim to allow time for rich conversations and opportunities for our children to grow and learn as individuals. We provide children with the freedom to explore and make their own discoveries, while supporting a sense of wonder and curiosity.
We are aware and responsive to children’s cultural identity, incorporating and extending this though many aspects of our programme.
Our teachers delight in children’s learning and love to discover and learn alongside our children.
Our Centre embodies learning priorities that support the whole wellbeing of tamariki and help them to develop into confident people who can actively learn, challenge and aspire.