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our policies

Sleep PolicyRationale: To ensure the comfort, safety and wellbeing of all children. Purpose: To ensure teachers follow individual children’s rhythms and sleeping routines in a relaxed and familiar environment. To ensure there is a system in place for monitoring sleeping children. To ensure parents approve of the system for monitoring sleeping children. To ensure the comfort, safety and wellbeing of children while sleeping. To comply with Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2022. PROCEDURES Cots or mattresses will be placed so there is adequate space between children to ensure their safety, hygiene and means of access is maintained at all times. All children will be provided with their own individual sleeping space and bed linen Staff will take all reasonable steps to ensure that play and/or distracting activities in locations or areas (by other children, staff or other adults) adjacent to the designated sleep area will be kept to a minimum during the time when children are sleeping or resting. Cots or mattresses used will meet the following criteria: will allow the child to lie down and stretch out to their full body length without exceeding both ends and will have a surface made of materials that is impervious to water and can be cleaned by wiping with disinfection solutions so it can be kept in a sanitary and good condition. Beds will be laid out to ensure the children are sleeping head-to-head, feet to feet and to ensure they will not be stepped over while sleeping. Children under 2 years of age will sleep in the dedicated sleep room, where possible and able. If space is unavailable in the sleep room, stretcher beds will be set up within the nursery play area for children to sleep. These children will be those that are close to making the transition in preparation to the toddler room or due to individual reasons. The furniture will be moved and set up to separate the sleeping children. Sleep spaces will be peaceful to ensure undisturbed rest, soft music will be played to promote rest and relaxation. Teachers will prepare children for sleep and will be flexible to children’s individual routines. All children will be encouraged to sleep or rest when they need to. However, formal sleep and rest times will be provided. Staff/child ratio will be maintained while children are sleeping. Parents will be encouraged to bring any special toys/comforters children may help them settle into sleep. When using wall cots, only immobile children will be placed in the top level. Children who are able to pull themselves up or at a sitting stage will not be placed in these. For cultural reasons, children will be positioned head: head rather than head: feet. Procedure for Routines Children in the nursery are on their own individual routines and their sleep requirements will be taken into consideration. All sleep times are recorded on a sleep and rest register, which is available for parents to view each day. Kaiako will support children in their individual sleep routine, however if a child is not asleep within 25 minutes and not showing signs of tiredness, then will return to the play area and tried again later. Children in either toddler or preschool rooms will sleep after lunch if required by their routine. Parents have the option of whether their child sleeps or not. Children are encouraged to fit their sleep patterns into this schedule, however if the child needs a sleep at an earlier or later time, we will accommodate this as best we can. Quiet time is offered to children who are not sleeping. At no time will children have access to food or liquids while in bed in accordance with the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2021. Procedure for Supervision Children will always be monitored while sleeping. Kaiako will ensure children are checked for warmth, breathing, and general well-being every 5 -10 minutes, or more frequently according to individual needs. The teacher who conducts the well-being check will complete the Sleep and Rest Register. Kaiako will ensure they record the times each child went to sleep and woke on the Sleep & Rest Register. A Kaiako will stay in the sleep room until the child or children are asleep, however if a child likes to self-settle, they will be left with well-being checks maintained every 5 -10 minutes. Procedure for Cots Cot barriers or guard rails will be in place at all times when being used by children ensuring that they cannot roll out of the cot. When a barrier is lifted within the bunk cot or lowered within the stand-alone cot, the staff member will conduct this procedure ensuring that the child’s safety is paramount. Reassurance and safety can be given to the child by placing a hand on them. Children who are able to sit or stand up are not to be placed in the top-level cot, as they could be injured or fall from the cot when attempting to get up. Once children are too large or mobile for the multi-level cots, they are to be moved either to a single level cot or to a stretcher. Procedure for Bedding Children will either sleep in a cot, multi-cot or on a stretcher on the floor, depending on their age, and their sleeping arrangement at home. Children will move to a stretcher bed, consideration for the move will depend on the child’s age and availability of cots for younger children. Full time children use the same individual cot or bed and bedding each day and their bedding is washed following five daily usages. Part time children will use the same individual cot or bed where possible and bedding will be washed following five daily usages. Sleep Room Linen is stored in the sleep room cot storage, resource room or in the laundry room. Procedure for Clothing and Jewellery All necklaces worn by children will be removed while sleeping. Children in the nursery will have their hair ties removed. Clothing, bags or other objects will not be left in or draped over the side of the cot while children are sleeping. Parent Authorisation Parents are required to read and approve the Sleep Policy upon enrolment, this is located on our website. Licensing Criteria HS 9. DATE ADOPTED: 3 August 2023 DATE FOR REVIEW: 3 August 2024
Excursions PolicyRationale: Excursions are an important part of Hatch Early Learning Centre’s life. At Hatch Early Learning Centre it is essential that planned and spontaneous excursions are carried out in a manner that promotes safety for both children and teachers. Purpose: To ensure staff are provided with clear guidelines when planning for a variety of experiences outside of Hatch Early Learning Centre. To ensure children are kept safe on excursions. To ensure parents are informed of excursions. To allow children the educational benefits of an outing. To comply with Education (Early Childhood) Regulations 2008. Definitions Outing or Excursion: Being outside the licensed premises whilst receiving education and care from the service, but does not include an outing for the purposes of emergency evacuations, drills or the receipt of urgent medical attention. Regular/Spontaneous Outing or Excursion: Outings or excursions that parents have given permission on the enrolment form for their child to participate in, such as arranged or spontaneous supervised walks in the vicinity of the Centre. Special Outing or Excursion: Outings or excursions that parents have provided permission for before the outing taking place, such as those that may involve transport in a motor vehicle and are not ‘regular or spontaneous’ excursions. The Centre Manager, Educational Manager or Head Teacher (or person acting in their role) will approve and oversee any outing or excursion. PROCEDURES The Following Procedures will be Followed for all Trips Away from the Centre All excursions will have an Excursion Planning Form & Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis completed prior to the excursion taking place. The Excursion Planning Form & Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis document must be approved by a separate individual to the personal responsible for planning the excursion. The approval can be given by the Educational Manager or Head Teacher, this documentation needs to be authorised and signed by them. The role of the approver is to ensure that they have reviewed the planning documentation and that all information has been included and risks have been mitigated as best they can. The Sunsafe Policy will be adhered to at all times. Provisions will be made for nappies, disposable nappy change mats, drinking water and medications. All children will wear a hi-vis vest while on the excursion, or something similar to clearly identify them as being apart of Hatch Early Learning Centre. If transport is within a motor vehicle a child restraint will be provided and used appropriately. If all the children leave the Centre, then a note will be posted on the Centre door giving the destination and the number of the cell phone taken on the excursion. Roll calls will be taken prior to departure from the Centre and repeated before final departure from the location of the excursion. At least one qualified teacher and one staff member with a current first aid certificate will go on every excursion. Each outing will have a designated “person responsible”, with a recognised qualification (eg Diploma of Teaching). If any incidents or accidents occur on the trip the persons responsible must notify the Centre Director immediately. There will be no smoking by anyone on excursions. Whilst walking near the road children will be holding hands or in pushchairs. Pedestrian crossings will be used whenever possible for crossing roads. The opportunity will be taken to educate children on road safety. Excursions will be planned for within the programme, also allowing for those that occur spontaneously. Excursions may link to children’s strengths and interests and focuses within the programme. Ratios on Trips Four Years and above: 1:5 Two – Three Years: 1 adult to 4 children (1:5 with approval from the Centre Director) Under twos: 1 adult to 2 children. (This may be increased with Centre Director’s approval) Ratio will be lessened if risk factors are identified. Ratios can be made up with staff, parents, whanau, volunteers, and other visiting adults. Minimum adult to child staffing ratios will be maintained at all times, both on the trip, and for those remaining at the Centre. If parent helpers are bringing siblings on Centre excursions they will need to be counted in the ratio unless they are older than 14 years of age. If the excursion involves a trip to water then the ratio will be 1 adult to every 1 child. Careful consideration and approval by the Educational Manager is required for children on trips under two years of age. There will be a minimum of two adults on an outing. (See Child Protections Policy). Adults will avoid being alone with the children if at all possible, for example, when they are taking them to the toilet. Regular/Spontaneous Outing or Excursion A check will be made of children’s enrolment form to confirm that permission is given by parents for children to leave the Centre. Staff will leave information at the Centre regarding the destination, route and timeframe of the intended excursion, and complete the relevant paperwork. A list of children going on the walk will be taken with the staff. This will be done by printing an attendance form for the day and highlighting those children that went. A list of children who took part in the walk will be posted by the sign-in sheet to inform parents that their child has been for a walk. Outings will be documented within the reception area on the day of the outing or before this if known. If any children remain at the Centre, e.g. a sleeping child, at least two staff/adults will stay at the Centre, one of whom will be a qualified teacher and one of whom will have a current First Aid certificate. A First Aid kit will be taking along with other appropriate supplies, such as nappies, camera, food, drink, medication, sun hats and sun block when appropriate. Everyone will stay together on excursions. An Excursions Form recording all names, destination, staff ratios and special conditions will be taken on all excursions and a copy will remain at the Centre. All other Hatch Early Learning Centre policies apply while on excursions. Special Outing or Excursion Ratios for special outings or excursions: Excursions using buses: Over twos: 1 adult to 4 children. Under two: 1 adult to 2 children. Excursions involving car: Two adults per car – maximum 3 children. All children to be in approved car restraints. Excursion by van: Two Adults and up to 6 children. A handout will be drawn up one the details of an outing is finalised. The appropriate Excursions Form will be used to record all details outlining the following: o Purpose of outing o Learning outcomes o Date and time of trip o Destination o Children involved in the excursion or print out of attendance schedule, highlighting all children involved in the excursion o Teacher to child ratio for the trip o Teacher to child ratio for the children remaining at the Centre o Charge to children o Hazard identification and risk analysis o Method of transport o Written evaluation of trip and any follow up from it Parents will be given the information about the trip and asked to sign a permission slip, if they have not given consent on their enrolment form. A record will be kept of all details of the trip including the destination, route taken and estimated return time. A mobile phone number will be recorded at the Centre. An ‘Outing Safety Action Plan’ will be filled out and copied. One copy will go with staff on the outing and another copy will remain at the Centre. Provision will be made for children unable to undertake a trip, with at least two staff members remaining at the Centre, one of whom will be a qualified teacher and one of who will have a current First Aid certificate. A First Aid Kit and cell phone will be taken on all trips. Excursions by Motor Vehicle All children will be restrained in a safety approved car seat.. Vehicles must contain at least two adults except where a parent travels with their child only. Vehicles used must hold a current Warrant of Fitness and Registration and the driver must hold a current Full Drivers License. These details will be recorded and held on file. Children will always be seated in the back of the car and never in the front seat. A record of all special outings or excursions will be kept in the Excursions Folder. This will include: o the names of adults and children involved; o the time and date of the outing; o the location and method of travel; o assessment and management of risk in the manner set out in this policy; o adult:child ratios; o evidence of parental permission and approval of adult:child ratios. Signed parental consent will be required for each child prior to a special outing or excursion. This consent form will include: The time and date of the excursion. The adult:child ratio for the excursion. The location of the excursion and the method of travel. Indication of appropriate clothing and footwear. Excursion Permission Form Format Venue for Excursion Purpose of Excursion Date and Time Means of Travel Details regarding Clothing and Kai requirements Adult:Child Ratio to be met Request for Parent Support Example of Excursion Permission Form: EXCURSION RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Licensing Criteria HS17, HS18.
Illness and Immunisation PolicyILLNESS & IMMUNISATION POLICY Rationale At Hatch Early Learning Centre, the health and well-being of our children, families and centre whānau is essential. We aim to provide children with an environment where their health is promoted, their emotional well-being is nurtured, and they are kept safe from harm. Purpose The objective of the illness policy is to work together to make sure that our practices and decisions regarding illness are reasonable and fair. During the time children are with us there may be occasions when they will be affected by illness. This may mean that your child will be unable to attend the centre. Time away from the centre will allow your child to recover and will also protect the health of the other children, families, and teachers. We do understand that this often places parents/whānau under extra pressure. Guidelines Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 Regulations which require us to take appropriate action when a child is unwell (Health and safety: Child health and wellbeing HS24 through to HS30) Recommendations from the Public Health Service - 04 570 9002. PROCEDURES Communication and Consultation We invite our families/whānau to discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s health and well-being with a Team Leader or Teacher at any time. If a parent is worried that their child may be unwell share this information with us when you arrive at the centre. This means that we can be vigilant and alert to any changes in behaviour or signs of illness and can respond to your child’s needs promptly. If we have any concerns about your child’s health and well-being while they are in our care we will discuss this with you as soon as possible. Parent/Whānau/Caregiver Responsibilities: Provide the centre with up-to-date emergency contact numbers. Discuss concerns about children’s health with teachers at the centre. Let teachers know if they have given medicine to their child during the night or prior to arriving at the centre. Collect child from the centre within one hour once notified that they are too unwell to stay. Allow your child time to recover before returning to the centre. If you are worried about your child’s health, please seek the advice of a G.P. before bringing your child to the centre. Parents must notify the centre of any infectious illness that your child has contracted. Teacher Responsibilities: Ensure that any child suffering from any infectious diseases as listed in the Health Regulations 1996, is excluded from the Centre. Chart is available in each classroom. Contact parents if there are concerns about a child’s health and may ask them to take the child home. Children who are unwell will rest in a well-ventilated and warm room away from other children, until they are collected. Endeavour to make children comfortable and emotionally supported. First Aid will be administered where required. Keep good records if we are concerned that a child may be unwell. We will keep a record of the child’s day details any changes in behaviour, symptoms, temperature recordings, food & drink consumption, any authorised medication given. The centres Illness Record is a duplicate copy book, kept in each classroom. One copy is given to parent collecting the ill child, and one copy is kept in the book. This is to be signed by the parent before the child leaves the centre. Suggest that the parent consults a G.P for diagnosis and treatment, as needed. Seek medical help if a child’s illness worsens and a family member cannot take the child promptly. Obtain up to date health information and advice from the Public Health Service. A record of absent children due to sickness will be maintained within discover child management software. Thorough hand washing and drying procedures will take place, posters and charts will be displayed to support the prevention. * Please note that Pamol/Paracetamol is not kept on these premises for general use. This medication can only be given if it has been signed for by a parent and has been prescribed for the child for a specific illness, for a specified period of time and contains the date. Practice Guidelines for Teachers: Enquire about the child’s health and well-being when they arrive at the centre: did the child sleep well, have they eaten well, are they teething, are there any concerns or anything for teachers to be aware of. Be aware of changes in a child’s behaviour: a lively child who suddenly seems listless, or a child who may require one to one attention and who is unable to take part in the programme. Be aware of children whose sleeps differ from their normal patterns: sleeping much longer, unable to sleep, restless sleep. If teachers are concerned about the health of any child at the centre, they should follow our policy procedures and recommend to parents/caregivers that they collect their child and seek the advice of a medical practitioner. Teachers are required by the Early Childhood Centres Regulations (2008) to take action in health emergencies. Medicine Chart: A Medicine Folder is kept in each classroom. Medicine charts will be kept for seven years. Medication will only be administered to a child at Hatch Early Learning Centre when a parent/ guardian has signed off the required information on the Medicine Chart. The medication provided to the centre needs to have their name on it and ideally provide a syringe. The required information includes: o Child’s name o Name of medication o Amount to be given, and time/s to be given o Signature of parent/ guardian. General conditions indicating that a child should not attend the centre: The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in programme activities. The illness results in a greater care need than the centre can reasonably provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children. The child has any of the following conditions: fever, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, or other signs of possible severe illness. Specific symptoms indicating that a child should not attend the centre: Diarrhoea: A general guideline is that no child should attend if they have diarrhoea, and they should have at least one normal bowel motion before returning to the centre. If the diarrhoea was accompanied by any other symptoms such as fever, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting or headache, this indicates a gastrointestinal infection, the child should stay away until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours. Vomiting: in the previous 24 hours, unless the vomiting was once only and was known to be caused by a non-communicable condition. Repeated vomiting suggests an infection, so the child should be taken to your family Doctor for a diagnosis. If the vomiting has been caused by an infection, or the cause is not known, the child needs to stay away until at least 48 hours after the last symptoms. A child who vomits at the Centre should be collected by their parents and taken home. Mouth sores: associated with an inability of the child to control his or her saliva unless the child's family Doctor, Regional Public Health or the Medical Officer of Health advises that the child is non-infectious. Rash: with fever or behaviour change, until your family Doctor has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease. Respiratory Infections: A child should not attend if they are coughing or sneezing as the result of an infection such as a cold or have a runny nose that makes it difficult to control the spread of nasal secretions and/or has a negative social impact upon the child. (Refer to Regional Public Health Green Nose Fact Sheet below). Skin Infections: A child should not attend if they have open wounds/sores that cannot be covered either with clothing or bandages to prevent the child from scratching. A child may return providing they have been treated with the appropriate antibiotics, antifungal or anti-viral cream for at least 24 hours and provide the centre with a letter from your G.P. Conjunctivitis: A child should not return until there is no discharge present. Antibiotics: Any child requiring antibiotics should remain at home for the first 24 hours. Fever and Febrile Convulsions: A normal temperature for a child is 36-37º C. Temperatures over 38ºC are usually regarded as a fever. It is normal for a range of factors including physical activity, strong emotions, high humidity levels and high room temperature to make a child feel hot. In these circumstances a child’s temperature will soon return to normal. If it does not return to normal or there is no apparent reason for the child to feel hot this may indicate that the child has a fever. A child who is unwell with a fever may display other symptoms or may have a change in behaviour. Children with a high temperature will often have several, or all of the following symptoms: o Clammy skin o Sweating o Headache o Irritability and crying o Flushed appearance o Tiredness In the event that a child presents with a temperature 38º Cand above and displaying other symptoms parents will be contacted to collect their child. Kaiako will monitor the temperature every 5-10 minutes, this information will be recorded on the illness register. Parents will attempt to collect their child in a reasonable time after being contacted. In the rare instance that we have been unable to reach the parent or emergency contact in a reasonable time period, and the temperature rises to 40º C and above an ambulance will be called at the parents’ expense. Aches and pains How to Reduce Fever without Medication: Remove extra clothing. Wearing just a nappy or a light outer layer of clothing is fine. If a child begins to shiver put on a layer of clothing. Shivering is an attempt by the body to raise the temperature. Encourage the child to drink cool fluids to avoid dehydration or given an iceblock. Encourage the child to rest, as activity can increase the body temperature. Keep the child at a comfortable temperature. Bathing a child is not recommended. Febrile Convulsions Febrile convulsions are fits (seizures), which occur as the result of a high fever usually over 39ºC. These occur in 3% of children usually between the ages of 6 months and 6 years. Very few children have more than three febrile convulsions. Most febrile convulsions only last a minute or two. If a convulsion continues for more than five minutes you should call for an ambulance. Febrile convulsions can be frightening for the person who is witnessing the seizure because they may resemble an epileptic fit. Febrile convulsions are only caused by fever, whereas epileptic fits can be instigated by other factors. There is no evidence to suggest that a simple febrile convulsion will cause any lasting damage. Febrile convulsions do not cause epilepsy. Sometimes a febrile convulsion may be the first sign that the child has a fever. It is important therefore, for parents to find out what illness is causing the fever as soon as possible after the febrile convulsion. It is the role of the doctor to decide on the nature of the illness. Resolution of conflict: If there is disagreement regarding the need for a child to stay away from the preschool due to illnesses, we will be guided by the advice of the Public Health Service. It is important to consult a G.P. for diagnosis and treatment; however, there will be occasions when we will need to follow the advice of the Public Health Service with regards to infection control. Parents are welcome to contact the Public Health Service for further clarification. Immunisation The Health (Immunisation) Regulations 1995 require Early Childhood Centres to keep an immunisation register for children born from 1 January 1995. At Hatch Early Learning Centre we aim to protect the health and well-being of children in attendance (Te Whāriki, 1996: 46). Hatch Early Learning Centre promotes immunisation as an effective tool which has significantly reduced the number of vaccine-preventable diseases in the community. During your child’s time at the centre, we will need to view their immunisation certificate to record this information onto the Immunisation Register via Discover Child management System. The Immunisation Certificate can be found on the back page of the Well Child – Tamariki Ora Health Book given to parents of every child at birth. Or printed evidence of immunisations provided by your G.P. We will need to view this Certificate at enrolment, 15 months and 4 years. This should be signed by an appropriate health professional. All information is confidential. Immunisation is not a compulsory requirement for attendance at an early childhood centre. However, we will need to view this certificate even if you have chosen not to proceed with immunisation. In the case of a notifiable disease or a suspected notifiable disease the Public Health Nurse or the Medical Officer of Health will need access to information on all children in attendance. It is the responsibility of the Public Health Nurses and the Medical Officer of Health to make decisions regarding the exclusion and treatment of children. Children who are not immunised may be asked to stay at home in cases of Pertussis, Diptheria and Measles. For any Immunisation queries please contact the Immunisation Nurse Specialist at Regional Public Health. ILLNESS & IMMUNISATION POLICY DATE ADOPTED: 01/06/2024 DATE FOR REVIEW: 01/06/2025
Developing Social Competence Policy (Positive Guidance Policy)Rationale: Children and their families will experience an environment where children’s social competence is nurtured and valued. Purpose: To provide a positive, nurturing physical and emotional environment, where each child’s holistic development is nurtured. To ensure consistent strategies are in place for encouraging children to develop an understanding of positive behaviours for learning. To ensure children develop strategies and confidence in conflict resolution. PROCEDURES The foundation for children’s social competence is strong, positive and supportive relationships with all adults and specifically their parents/whānau and teachers. The environment will provide a wide range of age-appropriate resources for children that enable them to enjoy positive learning experiences with and alongside others. The curriculum will reflect the culture, background and interests of the children attending. Positive Guidance Strategies At all times children will be treated with respect and dignity. Teachers will take time to know children and their families/whānau. Teachers will notice and praise positive behaviour. Teachers will guide behaviour by giving children positive strategies to follow. Teachers will use positive reinforcement and role modelling to encourage positive behaviour. Teachers will support children to develop and maintain appropriate behaviours by giving clear, consistent and fair guidelines. Children will be encouraged to work together cooperatively and to be caring and accepting of others. Children will be encouraged to communicate about problems and conflicts as they arise, and will be supported by teachers in handling conflict. To ensure the safety of all in the centre, teachers will give children clear and consistent guidelines relating to respecting others and the environment. Children will be given opportunities to move away from stressful situations, and be supported in developing positive strategies for managing their own behaviour. Age-appropriate resources and guidance will be provided for children to assist them to develop strategies to deal with conflict. Self-esteem, resilience and confidence will be supported and nurtured in the learning programme. Parents will be consulted and included in the development and implementation of individual behaviour plans. When required, support will be sought from Ministry of Education Learning Support Services or other appropriate support agencies. Parents will be consulted before an individual child is discussed with another agency. The Centre will promote and support daily routines that are flexible and responsive to the needs of individuals and groups of children. Behaviour management practices will respect and value the cultural backgrounds of children. Staff meetings will have time allocated for teachers to raise and discuss any concerns related to children’s behaviour. Workshops will be provided for parents to share the Centre programme and to guide parents in supporting the development of children’s social competence. Dealing with Challenging Behaviours Teachers will focus on isolating the child's behaviour rather than labeling the child. A clear message will be delivered by an adult explaining why the behaviour is unacceptable i.e. when a child could hurt themselves, other children, adults, or property. The child's name will be used to gain their attention. If required, children will be redirected to another area of play. When they have calmed down and are in charge of their emotions, a teacher will discuss their behaviour with them. Some behaviour may be ignored in the short term or the adult's attention may be given to the victim of the child's undesirable actions after a short, firm message is given to the perpetrator. Should a child's behaviour begin to cause concern, the teachers will: Observe the child's behaviour and record events leading up to it. Discuss the child's behaviour with a senior teacher. Be able to participate in discussions at staff meetings where teaching strategies for supporting children will be identified. Teachers in a stressful situation will be encouraged to move away and request another teacher to take over. No force will be used by way of correction or punishment towards any child enrolled at or attending the Centre. No child will be put in solitary confinement, immobilized or deprived of food or drink. No child will be spoken to harshly, belittled or degraded. When implementing this policy, teachers are required to familiarise themselves with: Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008. Providing Positive Guidance - Guidelines for Early Childhood Education Services, Ministry of Education, 1998. Positive Foundations for Learning: Confident and Competent Children in Early Childhood Education Services, Education Review Office, October 2011. Supporting Legislation Education Act 1989 Section 139A Licensing Criteria C10.
Infectious Disease Exclusion ProcedureRationale: To take all reasonable steps to ensure Hatch Early Learning Centre is a safe and healthy environment by minimizing the spread of infectious disease amongst the staff and children. GUIDELINES Definition of a Communicable Disease: A “communicable disease” is a disease which is either infectious, or according to the Ministry of Health requirements, a notifiable disease. NOTIFICATION PROCESS OF AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE If your child shows signs of an infectious disease over the weekend it is the parent or guardians’ responsibility to inform the Centre as soon as possible. If your child becomes ill during the day staff will phone you immediately and will require the child to be picked up from the Centre as soon as possible. An isolation area located in the non-contact room is where they will be fully supervised until they are picked up by their parent or guardian. Children who are vomiting must be isolated where possible and moved to an area with a hard floor (eg: concrete, wooden or vinyl floor). The staff member assisting them is recommended to wear a face mask where possible. A disposable plastic container should be used if available. All staff and children illnesses will be recorded and kept in the Accident, Incident and Sickness Folder/Booklet at the Centre. All staff members have a duty to report to the Centre Manager/Director or the Educational Manager immediately when they have reason to suspect any adult, staff member, visitor or child is attempting to or has come onto the premises during operation hours, as an infectious person. This is defined as any person who may come into contact with children and who have a disease or condition that is likely to have a detrimental effect, and which is capable of being passed onto children. The same rules apply to those deemed not in good health. This is defined as any person working or present in any capacity in the Centre who clearly is in a state of ill-health which limits their capacity to work safely or who is suffering from an infectious disease listed in the second schedule of the Health Regulations 1996. When the Centre Manager/Director or Educational Manager has reason to believe that an infectious person or staff member is not in good health is attempting to come onto, or is present on the premise, they will advise that person that their presence is unlawful and they are to leave immediately. A Doctor’s certificate may be required in some circumstances of a prolonged communicable illness. Note: Infants and preschoolers can often have an isolated case of vomiting and/or diarrhea due to change in diet, motion sickness and anxiety/excitement. Staff should inform the Centre Manager and monitor from first symptoms before seeking Centre Manager permission to arrange for the child to home. NOTIFICATION OF OUTBREAKS Where there is an outbreak of an infectious disease in the Centre, the teachers will notify the Centre Manager/Director. The Centre Manager/Director will notify the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of any “notifiable infectious diseases” Christchurch (03) 974 2040 CENTRE EXCLUSIONS Due to the risk of infection we are unable to care for sick or infectious children. A child must be excluded from care if: The child has an infectious disease listed on the second schedule of the Health Regulations, 1996 or any of the diseases listed below: The child’s illness prevents them from participating comfortably in programme activities; or The child needs greater care than can be provided without compromising the health and safety of other children. HIGH TEMPERATURE A temperature of 38.0c will be monitored at intervals of 15-20 minutes and recorded on the Accident, Incident and Illness Form. Any child with a temperature over 38.5c will be monitored and if it continues to increase and does not decrease the childs parents will be called and will need to go home within the hour (ideally 30 minutes). VOMITING If a child has vomited two or more times in Centre, the child’s parents will be phoned to pick their child up. Repeated vomiting suggests an infection, so the child should be taken to a GP for a diagnosis and the child will be excluded from the Centre for at least 48 hours after the last vomit. DIARRHOEA Children should not attend the Centre if they have diarrhea. If they have 2 or more diarrhea cases while in the Centre parents will be contacted and asked to pick their child up. If the diarrhea was accompanied by any other symptoms such as fever, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting or headache, this indicates a gastrointestinal infection such as Norovirus or Rotavirus and they will need to see a GP. Our exclusion period is that the child will be excluded from the Centre for at least 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhea/gastroenteritis. MOUTH SORES Mouth sores are associated with an inability of the child to control his or her saliva, unless the child’s GP or Regional Public Health or the Medical Officer of Health advises that the child is noninfectious. RASH Rash with fever or behavior change, until a doctor has determined that the illness is not an infectious disease. Please see the Infectious Diseases Chart for more information. (PDF download)
Accident, Incident & Illness PolicyRationale: To ensure the best interest of staff, children and their families are catered for in any accident, incident, or illness that occurs at Hatch Early Learning Centre. This policy describes the internal and external reporting and recording requirements and procedures. It specifies who does the reporting, recording and investigating of accidents, incidents and sickness, and it describes what forms must be completed and records to be kept. GUIDELINES The Centre has an Accident / Incident / Illness / Child Form which is filed in the Accident/ Incident/ Illness Folder to keep a record of all accidents, incidents and illness that occur to children or staff whilst they are at the Centre. All major accidents, incidents or illnesses are to be reported to the Center Manager. All minor accident, incidents or sicknesses are to be reported to the Educational Manager or Head Teacher and signed by the staff member and parent. MINOR INCIDENT AND ACCIDENT A minor incident or accident is when immediate medical attention is not required. In the event of a minor accident, incident or sickness the staff member is responsible for filling out the Accident / Incident / illness / Child and staff form. The parent, guardian, or whānau member will be notified. The form will be signed off by the child’s parent or guardian. MAJOR INCIDENT AND ACCIDENT A Major accident or incident is when immediate medical attention is required. In the case of a major accident occurring at the Centre a staff member will comfort and care for the child while the ambulance is called. A record of the incident will be kept recording all of the necessary information and a copy will be sent with the child. Parents or whānau members will be contacted immediately and told where the child has been taken or will be taken to. Where the accident is defined as ‘serious’ in terms of the Health and Safety in Employment Act (needing hospitalization for more than 48 hours, loss of consciousness, loss of eyes or limb, poisoning or vision impairment) the employer must notify Work Safe NZ as soon as possible to provide a written report of the circumstances within seven days. A serious incident report form must be completed. The declaration section of the completed injury report must be signed by the injured person or his/ her nominee if the injured person is unable to sign. The Centre Director will sign and date the bottom of the “At work Staff Accident/Illness” form. The Centre Director will be informed of all major accidents, incidents and illnesses that occur at the Centre. All accidents, incidents and illnesses will be recorded in the Centre’s accident Folder. ILLNESSES/SICKNESS Children will not be allowed at the Centre if they are suffering from an infectious illness. If a child develops an illness while at the Centre, parents/caregivers will be contacted and asked to collect the child as soon as possible. The child will be supervised while being separated from the other children, until the parent/caregivers arrive. Infectious illnesses will be determined using the Community Health Infectious Diseases Chart and other relevant policies. Children who are ill in some way, but not infectious may stay at the Centre. However it is suggested that if a child needs extra care, attention, and/or nursing, they are better off in their home environment. The Centre Director/Educational Manager will contact the parent if their child becomes ill while at the Centre, they will decide whether the child should be collected. If a child is likely to need paracetamol during the day for pain or fever as advised by a doctor, the parents/caregivers will supply this, and record all details on the Medication Form, as per the Administration of Medication Policy. If a child develops a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius, we will attempt to cool them down and record their temperature over a period of 15-20minutes, parents will then be contacted and asked to collect their child if the fever reaches 38.5 degrees Celsius or continues to increase and does not drop. All temperature readings will be recorded. For your child’s well-being we ask you to keep your child/ren at home if they are suffering from severe colds or flu. All medication needs to have the child’s full name along with the dosage on the prescription bottle. We can only administer the dose that is displayed on the bottle. All staff, students and visitors to the Centre are expected to be free from infectious diseases and illnesses. CENTRE DIRECTOR INVESTIGATION An investigation of all accidents, incidents and illnesses of all children and employees will be undertaken each month by the Centre Director or Health & Safety Leader. Reasons for investigations: To assist in identifying hazards or potential hazards To assist in identifying work related injuries, accidents, incidents and sicknesses, separating them from claims not relating to work. To assist in identifying the cause of work accidents, incidents and sicknesses and property damaging To assist the development of “safer systems of work” that prevent similar occurrences.
Administration of Medicine PolicyRationale: Medication needs to be administered appropriately, safely, and correctly. The health and safety of the child is paramount Purpose: To protect children requiring medicine and staff administering medicine. To ensure safe storage of medicine at the Centre. To ensure parents are familiar with the procedure involved with administering medicine at the Centre. To comply with the Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 2008. GUIDELINES Parents or caregivers are required by regulation to inform, in writing, any medication to be administered. A medicine book is permanently kept in each room for parents to complete the medication requirements for their child on a daily basis. Details will include the child’s full name, the type of medicine, the time it needs to be given, time of last dose, the amount needed, and a signature. Prescribed medication will only be administered by a permanent staff member and will be checked and witnessed by a second staff member. One of the staff members either administering or witnessing the administration must be a registered teacher/kaiako and must hold a current first aid certificate. All prescribed medicine will have a prescription label on it with the child’s name, the name of the medicine, and the amount that needs to be given. Medicine brought from the pharmacy will be clearly labelled by the parent with the child’s name and will be administered as per the dosage of recommendation on the labelled medicine. Any needs for long-term medicine (such as inhalers or epi-pens) should be discussed with the Educational Manager and/ or Head Teacher and the long-term medication form needs to be filled in, along with evidence that training has been provided. Medication will be stored away from children, either in the storage container in each room, or the fridge. Medication will not be kept in children’s bags. Medication left at the Centre needs to be checked monthly. Medication such as teething tamer will be kept in the storage contains located in each room, out of reach of all children. Check the expiry date on the medication. Any expired medicines will be given back to parents to dispose of. Category 1 Medicines Definition: A non-prescription preparation (as detailed on the enrolment form) that is: · Not ingested · Used for the first aid treatment of minor injuries · Provided by the service and kept in the first aid cabinet. Authority Required: A written authority on the enrolment form is required for the specific preparations on their child for the period that they are enrolled. Category 2 Medicines Definition: A prescription (such as antibiotics, eye/ear drops, etc) or non-prescription (such as paracetamol liquid, cough syrup etc.) used for a specific period of time to treat a specific condition or symptom. Authority Required: The medicine chart must be filled in correctly by the parents/ caregivers before the authorised staff member administers the medication. Written authority given at the beginning of each day the medicine is administered is required from the parents/ caregiver detailing what (name of medicine), how (method and dose) and when (time or specific symptoms/circumstances) medicine is to be given. Category 3 Medicines Definition: A prescription (such as asthma inhalers, epilepsy medication, etc.) or non-prescription (such as antihistamine syrup, sudo cream etc.) Medicine that is: Used for the ongoing treatment of a diagnosed condition (such as asthma, epilepsy, allegoric reaction, diabetes, eczema, etc.) Provided by a parent for the use of that child only. Authority Required: An individual health plan form is written authority from a parent given on enrolment as part of an individual health plan, or whenever there is a change, detailing what (name of medicine), how (method and dose) and when (time or specific symptoms/circumstances) the medicine is to be given. Training needs to be provided relevant to the task of providing the ongoing health support, this needs to be documented. The authorised staff member must fill in the date, medicine, dosage given, time given, and sign each time the medicine is administered. ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINE POLICY – PT.11b DATE ADOPTED: 19/07/2022 DATE FOR REVIEW: 19/07/2023
Fee PolicyRationale To inform parents of the Centre’s guidelines for fee payment and the collection of unpaid fees, to ensure the smooth operations of the Centre. Fee Payment The centre has a schedule of fees across all age ranges and is calculated across 52 weeks of the year. Holiday fees, sick days, and public holidays have been calculated into the fee for ease of weekly payment and administration. We do not offer the retainers or reduced fees for holidays as these have been calculated into the weekly fees for ease of regular payment. All fees must be paid in advance. Fee payment is due upon enrolment, then by the Tuesday of your child second week and every consecutive Tuesday. The minimum advance period of one week is strongly in forced. You will be asked to bring your fees into line, should you fall behind. All fees are to be paid by direct credit or bank debit as we do not provide eftpos or banking facilities at the centre. Late Fee Payment Failure to pay the missed fees will result in your child/children’s positions being terminated. All dept collection costs are the responsibility of the parents or caregivers. All collection costs will be added to the outstanding fees. “20 hours ECE” explained From 1st July 2010, all three, four and five year old children were able to get an additional subsidy at early childhood education (ECE) services. This is limited to 6 hours per day, 20 hours a week. 20 hours ECE applies to all teacher-led ECE services. Fees additional to “20 hours ECE” ECE services cannot charge fees for the 20 hours ECE, but they can charge for your child other enrolled hours outside the six hours. We have set our fees on a daily rate basis to ensure these additional fees can be charged so that we can continue to deliver high-quality early childhood. These additional charges cover specific features above the regulated services funded by the Government. These include; significantly higher adult to child ratios (additional staff) and superior resources. Childcare Assistance (WINZ) Work and income New Zealand provide a childcare subsidy to help pay for part of your fees cost if you qualify. If this information is of interest to you, please do not hesitate in asking your managing director for further information. Please check here on the WINZ website to see if you’re eligible as many people unaware of the entitlement. Christmas closure The centre is closed on all public holidays and charges remain in place for public holidays. Over the Christmas period the centre is closed for public holidays. Notice period Two weeks’ notice is required if your child is leaving the centre. No refunds are given. Holidays/Statutory Holidays/Sick Days/ Absences Fees are charged when your child is absent due to sickness or other reasons. Fees will be charged for Statutory Holidays. No fees will be charged if the Centre is closed over the Christmas Period. Fees will be charged for any unavoidable closures of 2 days or less (eg. Earthquake, snow etc). Any closure longer than this will not be charged. Holidays are an important time for families which is why we offer a holiday discount for 3 weeks per year at 50% of your weekly fees. 2 weeks notice of the absence will be required for the discount to apply.
Food & Nutrition PolicyRationale Promote and support an ongoing collaborative approach to children’s physical well-being and health within our centre community. An important aspect of this is creating a sustainable healthy eating environment which is safe and informative for all involved. Developing and sustaining healthy eating behaviours in children is an integral part of the daily curriculum and experiences and education offered to children and their families should reflect this. Nut Free Centre, this includes any nut variety or nut spreads. In the interest of eliminating risk to children with nut allergies as well as reducing food related choking, the centre is a nut free zone. Nut allergies are very common and can cause a severe reaction (sometimes anaphylactic) amongst young children. If a mistake occurs and any child brings food containing nuts, including sandwiches containing nut or spread, it will be immediately removed from the lunchbox and stored in a safe area for collection. Upon collection the reason for this will be discussed. Food allergies and intolerances will be shared responsibility of the child’s family and centre. On enrolment we ask parents/caregivers to share with us any information regarding children’s allergies or intolerances. In individual cases it may be necessary to have a management plan in place. The names and photos of children with food allergies are displayed in the kai areas for teachers to be aware of. A fridge is available ensuring all food is stored in a safe and hygienic manner. Foods provided in heatable containers will be heated for children using the microwave, at lunchtimes only. Nursery food will be heated as appropriate. All lunches should be brought in a clearly named lunchbox. All children and staff wash hands before kai time. A staff member will stay with children at all times during kai times and all children will be seated whilst eating. We see kai time as a wonderful opportunity to promote relationships, language, independence, self-help skills and to develop table manners. Staff role model healthy eating habits and talk about which foods are the most nutritious. Any records of food prepared or given out by teachers are kept for inspection for at least 3 months (see regulations) after the food is served. Parents are strongly encouraged to provide simple nutritious food such as fruit, sandwiches, yoghurt, muffins, crackers, vegetables, cheese, scones, pikelets and healthy crackers, leftover meals. In the interest of promoting healthy eating habits and reducing food related choking, we exclude the following items from being brought into Hatch ELC: - lollies, chocolate bars, roll ups - highly coloured corn snacks such as Corn Chips, Twisties, Cheezels, Burger Rings, Rashuns, Cheese Balls etc - Rice Crackers - Dried Fruit (apricots, raisins, cranberries etc) - Marshmallows - Popcorn - Juice If the lunchbox contains any of these foods a friendly reminder will be sent home with such items to eat at home. Sausages, saveloys and cheerio’s can be provided with skins fully removed and cut to at least as small as the child’s small fingernail or in thin strips. To reduce food related choking, we recommend that foods such as fruit, vegetables are prepared as per the Ministry of Health guide “How to alter high-risk food to lower its choking risk”. These are outlined within this policy (attachment below). Health professionals state that water is the ideal drink for children, to support this water is always available for children to drink. Cups are provided for children to access this water and teachers will ensure children have water with every meal. In the event of a child having insufficient food, the centre will supplement using additional food such as crackers, sandwiches or fruit and this will be recorded. BIRTHDAY AND CELEBRATION FOODS Birthdays are important to us therefore we arrange a special birthday tray to acknowledge their day. Our ritual includes providing a birthday tray supplied with a muffin or lamington, candle/s nicely laid on a tray with flowers and a fine china teacup (for those over 2). If you wish to bring in something to add to this, we welcome fresh fruit selection or a healthy alternative for the tamariki to share. If you have any other celebration, please feel free to discuss this with the team and we would be happy to accommodate you. If you would like to bring in a cake or baked goods, a copy of the ingredients will need to be supplied before consuming. FOOD AND NUTRITION EDUCATION As a community of learners, we will strive to provide ongoing opportunities to strengthen communities’ engagement in food and nutrition activities/experiences. This policy along with supporting information from the Ministry of Health will be given to children and their families on enrolment so that healthy eating guidelines are made clear from the beginning. The centre will offer information around healthy eating through a variety of ways to children and their families. Including healthy recipes shared through newsletters, wall displays & pamphlets published by the Ministry of Health. Practical healthy recipe ideas from families will be encouraged to be shared. Cooking and food preparation are a part of the programme with children, and this provides a further opportunity to provide healthy eating practices. It is also a time to learn about and celebrate meals/food from other cultures. An edible garden which grows a variety of vegetables/fruit will be regularly cared for by the children and teachers. Food grown provides an ideal base to make nutritious snacks/meals with the children. Licensing Criteria HS22
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